Industrial Engineer's Job Profile in the Garment Industry

It was just a couple of years back the demand for industrial engineers (IE) increased many times. An industrial engineer can do a lot to improve a company's performance. 

But a fresh student pass-out from educational institutes (Fashion institutes) acquired limited knowledge about the job profile of an Industrial engineer. Most of the jobs are learned in the factory by doing things. There are numerous tools and techniques which are used by industrial engineers to establish an efficient production system in the company.

Without having such tools earlier production managers and line supervisors faced difficulty in measuring work content, garment costing, and production planning correctly, even it was difficult to finalize orders. 

Our team has worked to find out important tasks that are important for an engineer and needs a detailed understanding of production fields, included in the following list. Though the job profile of an industrial engineer may vary from one company to another, most of the job profiles fall under the following list.
  1. Knowledge about various sewing production systems
  2. Knowledge of all types of sewing machines necessary for the company
  3. Time study (Cycle timing)
  4. Motion analysis of the operations
  5. Operation break down
  6. Preparation of OB (Operation bulletin)
  7. SAM Calculation
  8. M/C Layout and Work station layout
  9. Line Set up
  10. Production estimation of a line
  11. Work Sampling
  12.  Method Study (Seeing Movements of an operation)
  13. WIP Control
  14. Line Balancing
  15. Capacity study
  16. Cost estimation of a garment
  17. Developing and Maintaining Skill Matrix
  18. Incentives schemes
  19. Calculating Thread Consumption
  20. Work aids, Guides and Attachment
  21.  Performance Rating
As an IE, you should acquire knowledge and skills in these tools and techniques. You don't need to implement all IE tools at a time. 

First, learn it and practice it and implement step by step. 

Learn industrial engineering by reading our tips and how-to guides

You can also read my book 'Industrial Engineer's Digest'

Almost all work-study tools and methodologies are adopted from others industries and implemented in the garment industry. So each work-study tool has guaranteed benefits if it is used effectively.

Also Read: Role of Industrial Engineers in Garment Production Management

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