The Concept of Operator's Performance Rating

Definition of Performance Rating: 

Rating is a subjective comparison of any condition or activity to a benchmark, based upon our experience. While the mechanics of time study record the time a task did take, applying a rating will determine the time a task should take.

What is 100% performance or Normal Performance?

The concept of 100% performance is a critical element of time study and performance measures. Normal performance is the rate of output which qualified workers will achieve without over-exertion over the working day shifts provided they know and adhere to the specified method and provided they are motivated to apply themselves to the work. This performance is denoted as 100% on standard rating and performance scales.

A slower is performance rate, which will produce fewer pieces per hour, is recorded as a percentage below 100%. A faster performance rate that produces more pieces per hour is recorded as greater than 100%.

Characteristic of 100% Performance or Normal operator

  • Fluid motions without hesitation
  • No false starts or duplications
  • Consistent, coordinated, effective rhythm
  • No wasted actions or work
  • Attention centered on the task

How to get accurate rating?

To improve accuracy in rating an operator, observer must -
  • Has knowledge of the operation and the specified method or standard operating procedures for that task.
  • Concentrates on operator motions
  • Is alert to fumbles, hesitations, and other lost motions- these are seldom or absent in 100% performance.
  • Eliminates or ignores interruption or events, not in the operator’s control.
  • Avoids a corrupting bias when observing fast and slow operators in succession
  • Knows that increasing the number of cycles observed increases accuracy
Also read: How to use performance rating in calculating the cycle time. 

Article Source: TC2

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