Basic Textile Testing Parameters for Garment Safety

To verify the material specifications, the firm uses product testing (textiles, garments) to determine the minimum specification for compliance with the specifications and standards. Specifications often include the test methods and procedures used to verify the performance criteria. Following are the basic testing parameters for apparel products.

1. Fabric Construction:

Fabric construction means the weave used to make the fabric. Under this parameter density of the ends and picks are measured i.e. Ends per inch (EPI) and Picks per inch (PPI). Also, testing is done for warp and weft yarn count. Construction is essential because fabric GSM depends on the weave types and yarn count. Other properties like surface smoothness, stiffness, tearing strength, surface texture, and hand feel depend on the fabric weave.

Related post: How to find fabric EPI and PPI?

2. Dimensional stability:

Many times it is found the dimension of the fabric (garment) gets changed after washing or other wet processing. It happens due to fabric shrinkage. If the fabric is not stable enough after the wet processing, the garment form may be distorted, twisted, or shortened in length and width. 

So, to get a specific size garment and the required fit for the consumer dimensional stability test is being carried out.

Also see: How to calculate fabric shrinkage percentage

3. Color Fastness:

Colorfastness means how much colors can resist the changes in brightness and depth from outside factors. Mostly, color fastness is tested for croaking, laundering, light, and perspiration.

  • Colorfastness to rubbing –The color resistance against rubbing is determined. The croaking test is done in wet condition and dry conditions. For example, the rubbing fastness of the indigo (VAT) dyes is very low.
  •   Colorfastness to laundering: When dye fixation to fabric is not done properly, color of dyes easily comes out in washing and garments fade out. This may also stain other clothing if washed together. This fastness test will confirm the color resistance to washing.
  • Colorfastness to light: Light is one of the main causes of color fading of garments. Generally, after washing clothes are being dried under the sunlight. When we walk in daylight wearing a colored garment, it comes directly under the sunlight. Garments that have low color fastness to light will fade out slowly.

4. Flammability Test:

The flammability test is not done for all types of garments. Only for a few product categories, this test is conducted. Garments like kidswear, sleepwear, cook wear, and suits for a firefighter. These products are treated to improve resistance to fire. So, to confirm the possibility of catching fire to garments in an accident flammability test is essential.

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