How to Calculate Operator Efficiency at Work?

In apparel manufacturing, skills and expertise of a sewing operator are being presented in the “Efficiency” term. An operator with higher efficiency produces more garments than an operator with lower efficiency in the same time frame. When operators work with higher efficiency, the manufacturing cost of the factory goes down.

Secondly, factory capacity is estimated according to operator efficiency or line efficiency. Hence, efficiency is one of the most used performances measuring tools. So how do you calculate operator efficiency in the factory? To calculate operator efficiency you will be needed standard minutes (SAM) of the garment and operations your operator is making. Use the following formula and calculate operator efficiency.

Efficiency calculation formula:
Efficiency (%) = (Total minute produced by an operator/Total minute attended by him *100)
Total minutes produced = Total pieces made by an operator X SAM of the operation [minutes]
Total minutes attended = Total hours worked on the machine X 60 [minutes]

Example: An operator was doing an operation of SAM 0.50 minutes. In an 8 hours shift day he produces 400 pieces. So according to the efficiency calculating formula, that operator’s overall efficiency
= (400 x 0.50) / (8 X 60)*100%
= 200/480*100%
= 41.67%

On-Standard Operator Efficiency:
Operator efficiency can be expressed in more specific ways, like ‘On-Standard Efficiency’ instead ‘over-all efficiency’. An operator may be attending all hours in a shift but if he has not been given on-standard work to do in all hours, he will not be able to produce minutes as per his capability and skill level. In this case, to know operator’s on-standard efficiency following formula is used.
Operator on-standard efficiency (%) = (Total minute produced /Total on-standard minute attended *100%)
Total minutes produced = Total pieces made by an operator X SAM of the operation [minutes]
Total on-standard minute attended = (Total hours worked – Lost time) x 60 [minutes]

Example: An operator was doing an operation of SAM 0.50 minutes. In an 8 hours shift day he produces 400 pieces. The operator was idle ‘waiting for work’ for 30 minutes and his machine broke down for 15 minutes in hours shift. So according to the efficiency calculating formula, that operator’s on-standard efficiency
= (400 x 0.50) / {480 – (30 +15)}*100%
= 200/435*100%
= 45.98%
The above example clarifies that if an operator sits idle during shift hours his overall efficiency will go down.
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