Garment Zoning for the Inspection of Visual Defects

Visual defects are categorized as Major, Minor and Critical defects. In some cases, a major defect can be considered as minor based on the location of the defect in a garment. This location is called as a zone(garment zoning). Garment zoning is done for fair evaluation of the garment during the visual audit.

Garment Zoning

A garment can be divided into 3 zones, like A, B, and C. How many zones a garment would have been depended on products and end use of the garment.  Following zoning and marking defects accordingly (only major and minor defects are considered) inspector prepares the audit report.  So it is important to divide garment into sections and mark defects accordingly. For example, poor press at center front (zone - A) of a shirt is considered as the major defect but if the poor press is detected in the back bottom (Zone-B) of the same garment it is considered as a minor defect. You should be aware that defects that fall under B and C zones are not always considered as minor defects.

Most of the cases apparel buyers provide garment figures with marking zones in their quality manual. And provide a list of defects that fall under major or minor categories. In the following figure (source: Gap Inc.) a knitted top has been shown with zones A and B.

At the front sleeves and the upper front is considered as zone ‘A’ and lower front considered as zone ‘B’. On the back of the garment, underarms and back bottom is considered as zone ‘B’


Like the above example, each product can be divided into zones and set standards for defects which all will fall under major and minor defect categories.

Zones of a Bottom

In the following image, different zones based on the garment location are shown for bottom garments. The upper portion of the front and back panels are considered as Zone A.
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