Bundle Tickets, Individual Performance Bonus and Grouping of Operations

Question: Can you describe how bundle tickets should be created so that individual performance bonus system can be implemented. What operations should be grouped together for what bundles? ...asked by Raymond 

Performance-based bonus system

In a performance-based bonus system, operators become eligible for bonus earning when they reach the defined target performance level. The performance of sewing operators generally presented in efficiency%. 

For individual operator performance bonus, you need to track output (in pieces) of an individual operator or calculate SAM produced by individual operators in the given work hours. You can even manually collect daily production of each operator (single and well as multiple operations). Later, multiply production quantity by operation SAM to calculate produced SAM by an operator.

Bundle Ticketing

I don't know what system you are using at present in your factory for individual operator production tracking. If you can share information of production tracking or bundle ticketing method you used in your organisation, I may help you better.

In the market RFID based and Barcode based systems are available for shop floor production tracking. In both systems, bundle card or bar code stickers are attached to the bundle as bundle ticket. In some of the RFID based system, once the card is being scanned in the workstation (card reader) individual efficiency figures as well as the bonus amount is automatically calculated by the system and displayed on operator consoles (terminal). Bonus amount is calculated based on your input (bonus scheme) and operator efficiency on the day. Similarly, in bar code tickets, the system generates individual operator efficiency once bar codes are scanned. 

You have to ensure that operator scan bundle tickets or stick bar code tickets on gum sheet after completion of a bundle.

Grouping of operations

The second part of your question is not clear to me. If you are reading this answer can you please elaborate on what you are looking for? 

Clubbing of operations is done to make all operations with a limited number of operators. For example, if a style has 45 operations and you want to set the line in 30 operators then some operations need to be clubbed. Secondly, for line balancing, you may have to club operations or separate multiple operations. To reduce issuing of multiple bar code sticker or tags you can convert a group of operations into a single operation. 

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