Table of Contents of the Book (IE Guide to Job Interview Preparation)

Inside the book, you will get answers to the following 50 Frequently Asked Questions.

IE book questions and Answer

Table of Contents
  1. What is Industrial Engineering?
  2. What are the basic Functions of the Industrial Engineering department in the garment industry?
  3. What is work measurement? What techniques are used for work measurement?
  4. What is Pitch time?
  5. What is Needle Time? What is the percentage of needle time of total working during a day?
  6. Define Standard Time (SMV and SAM)?
  7. How to calculate Standard Time (SAM) of an operation using Time Study method?
  8. What is rating (performance rating)?
  9. What is line efficiency? What is the formula for calculating Line efficiency? 
  10. How to measure factory efficiency?
  11. How to calculate the (production) target for a sewing line?
  12. How to set an hourly target for an operation?
  13. Garment operation breakdown (approximate SAM, Machine, Target) What is productivity?
  14. How to calculate labor productivity and machine productivity?
  15. How will you improve the productivity of a line?
  16. How do you improve the efficiency of a line?
  17. What is the difference between production and Productivity?
  18. What is TMU in motion analysis? How many TMUs is equal to one second and one minute?
  19. What do you mean by bottleneck operation? How do you find bottleneck operations in a line?
  20. What is Line balancing? How do you balance a line?
  21. Why it is important to balance a line? Did you work on balancing a line?
  22. Why work aids are used in sewing? Name a few basic attachments and guides used in sewing operations.
  23. What is a learning curve? What is the application of the learning curve in garment production?
  24. What is off-standard time? How you would track off-standard time (Non-Productive time)?
  25. Thread consumption ratio/factor for different machines? Calculate thread requirement for this (provide you a garment) sample.
  26. How to calculate labor costs in production?
  27. How to calculate manpower requirements for production?
  28. What are Line Setup time and Operation Cycle Time?
  29. What do you mean by improving?
  30. What is Time Study? Why do you do Time study?
  31. What is Method Study? Why Method study is important? Or what are the objectives of the method study? What are the steps of the method study?
  32. Name some special sewing machines.
  33. What improvements would you suggest for a sewing floor?
  34. What are the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of a factory?
  35. What is the difference between an Industrial Engineer and a Production Person?
  36. Which one is the better method to know factory performance, Productivity or Cost per standard minute (SAM)? 
  37. Give me some examples of improvement work you have done in previous companies (Creative Work).
  38. What is Sewing Operator Skill Matrix?
  39. What are the benefits of a skill matrix in Production?
  40. What is throughput time? What should be the throughput time of an average style?
  41. How would you find the throughput time of a style?
  42. What are lead time, order changeover time, and idle time?
  43. How do you hire sewing operators?
  44. Explain the Basic Concept of Lean Manufacturing? Name a few common lean tools that are used in apparel manufacturing?
  45. How many machines are you handling in the current company?
  46. Can you work on an Excel sheet (MS Office Spreadsheet)? How much computer skills do you have? 
  47. What all reports do you make in the company where you are currently working?
  48. Are you a trained IE or GSD practitioner? What do you know about GSD?
  49. Can you run the sewing machine?
  50. How to measure factory performance? How to measure individual operator performance?
  51. Annexure: Interview Question sets
  52. Personal Interview (PI) Preparation

To learn answers to the above questions read this book now.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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