Pro-SMV a Tool to Establish Standard Time (SAM) for Apparel Products

"There can be no management without measurement”.
Your success depends on your ability to produce efficiently this can be helped by having accurate standard times and the best possible method of doing the job!

Pro-SMV- Professional Standard Minute Value is a system to establish international standard times designed exclusively for the Apparel industry. This system is designed by Methods Apparel Consultancy India Pvt. Ltd and is based on MTM-2

Screenshot of Pro-SMV Software

What is Pro-SMV?

Pro-SMV is the tool you need to establish STANDARD TIMES and BEST METHODS for all of your operations so that you can measure HOW GOOD YOU ARE!

To do this you need to become more efficient – most of you know this – but how is it done? The following easy steps are the real way forward.

  1. Set up a Work study department 
  2. Train them on basic work study techniques 
  3. Teach them how to apply Pro-SMV 
  4. Video operators working and show them how they can improve 
  5. Analyse how the operation is being done 
  6. Think how it can be improved 
  7. Train the operator in the new method 
  8. Make sure they keep it up 
  9. Create a database of times 
  10. Use the database for future styles
The method creates the time – you do not have to work harder, just do the job more efficiently

Pro-SMV highlights method improvement potential, and will make you more conscious of the real value of improved methods, and will improve productivity considerably.

The implementation of PRO-SMV must have complete management involvement it is not simply a software system - it is a management tool to be controlled and implemented in the correct manner. Training should include all levels of personnel from the shop floor to the boardroom, and Quality control personnel must help to ensure that the method allows proper Q/C levels to be achieved in the time produced.

Pro-SMV Demo

Watch Pro-SMV demo in the following video.


PRO-SMV – Key features

Key features of this SAM estimation software are 
  1. Is easy to learn 
  2. Existing staff will have no difficulty in operating the system in the shortest possible time.
  3. Software is “state of the art” Multi user, Windows, written in .NET
  4. Much easier to use than Time Study, and the software is designed to make data entry simple and quick.
  5. Structure of the database is such that factories can build and use the database for years.
  6. Videos and picture can be attached to each operation for future 
  7. You can develop and improve the work-study department quickly and easily, and if analysts leave, it is a simple matter to train new people.
  8. Thread consumption for each order can be derived using SMV.
  9. Performance of each IE on the basis of analyses and Method improvement can be easily established using SMV.
  10. Analysts can come from the sewing floor a good machinist can become a good analyst in a short time. This has big advantages in Work-study costs and machinists are in a great position to show operators how to perform new methods. 
  11. Is being constantly developed, and the future development plan is exciting and ongoing.

New Costings

It is a very important tool for building new styles for costing purposes, the database is structured in such a way that it allows a comprehensive style search based on style features, users can easily search through pictures of various parts of the styles and copy one part of a specific style to a new styles and build the new operation sequence within few minutes. The system also allows saving versions of operation sequences from a costing point of view. Each and every change in the operation sequence can be retrieved and tracked for comparison at any time.


A comprehensive training of 3 weeks is given to the work-study people, Analysts are required to attend a one week theoretical training course at the end of which there is an examination, this must be passed before the next stage of training is commenced, the further training consist of our consultant’s working with the analysts on the shop floor for a further two weeks, at the end of this period the student must be able to analyse a videoed operation to prove that they have the ability to do the job to our satisfaction, on the successful completion of this then the analysts will be certificated and considered as a licensed Practitioner of Pro-SMV.

This article is shared by Sunaina Khanna of  Methods Apparel.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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