SewEasy – A Software that Establishes Garment Standard Minute

In the apparel manufacturing industry, we have few products (software) those are helping business owners to standardize labour cost by establishing standard time from design to sewing stages. SewEasy is one of them. In this post, I will be talking about SewEasy software.

SewEasy Dashboard

SewEasy is a Pre-determined Motion Time System (PMTS) for the apparel manufacturing industry. SewEasy is recognized by Manchester University as MTM software for the apparel. SewEasy is developed by SewEasy Pvt. Ltd. a Sri Lanka based company.

This technology simplifies the SAM calculation procedure for apparel sewing process by automating tedious calculations necessary for establishing standard minute values (SMV, SAM). SewEasy is a transparent and consistent sewing room planning system based on MTM. This product is ideal for Lean transformation in garment manufacturing.

To estimate labor cost you need to determine accurate work content of individual operations and have the standard time for the complete garment stitching. The manual time study method for estimating standard time for operations is not cost effective in low volume orders and repeat style change.

Benefits of SewEasy Software

A Tool for Productivity Improvement and Cost Reduction
If the SMVs are correct, the skill development can commence almost instantaneously, due to the elimination of arguments and mistrust. Bottleneck elimination will be a cooperative affair between the sewing machine operators and supervisory management. Coupling incentives with continuous improvement guarantees maximum benefits to all stake holders.

SewEasy standards benefit mostly the sewing machinist who is keen to earn more by minimizing defects, yet pressurized due to loose or tight targets that cause un-balanced sewing lines.

Minimize Absenteeism and Labour Turnover

Absenteeism and high labour turnover are chronic problem in the apparel manufacturing. SewEasy helps in these areas too. Balanced lines and realistic targets lead to industrial harmony in factories. Practical skills development effort will convince the machine operators that supervisory management is on their side and working towards same shared goals. Absenteeism and high labour turnover can be reduced by focused effort.

Most of the challenges faced by factories and potential solutions are inter-related. SewEasy can bring quick improvement in most pressing issues in sewing floor.

Count Material Handling Time

The report of SewEasy highlights the added-value, focusing the IE’s attention upon the handling waste instantly.

Global Access using a Web Browser

A high fashion garment design sketched in one continent, typed in to the SewEasy system by the fashion designer’s assistant herself; can be explained by a factory analyst or a supervisor to a sewing machine operator in another continent. Both ends of the global supply chain will access SewEasy using a web browser.

Software Implementation Time

Keerthi Abe, Managing Director, SewEasy says exiting staff of the factory (provided garment manufacturer has industrial engineers) can be trained within a day. They provide further training industrial engineers and analysts to impart professional skill. This system can be implemented in a factory as quick as one week time. No need to hire new team member to run this system. Exiting production team can be easily trained to handle this system.

Visit SewEasy for more details.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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