The Big Fat Lean - Lean Manufacturing Technology Presented in a Bigger, Better yet Leaner Way

Hi OCS readers, we are starting a new topic. It is Lean Manufacturing. We will cover all topics related lean manufacturing through a series of blog posts and we will explain what the Lean actually is.

These articles are written by Vijayalaxmi Meharwade and edited by Online Clothing Study.

Lean manufacturing is vast subject. As mentioned in the title we will briefly cover related topics. You can gain in-depth knowledge by reading reference materials.

Lean manufacturing is good for a company, factory and good for all employees. Many garment manufacturers already followed the path to become a world class manufacturing (WCM) company. Many are aspiring and others are dreaming to have lean manufacturing in their shop floor as well as in office areas.

Whatever stage you are at this moment, lean will help you to move to the next step. You are welcome to participate to the discussion on lean topics by posting your comments.

On the Day -1, we will discuss - What is Lean manufacturing technology?

What is Lean Manufacturing Technology?

Lean manufacturing technology is
  • Lean by name,
  • Mean in using resources/inventory, 
  • Clean in maintaining environment, 
  • Supreme as a concept and technology
The retailer’s tagline for retaining customers and improving business is “Buy more for less”. The same holds good for lean manufacturing technology --- that is get more from less --- less time, less space, less human efforts, less machinery, less materials but more customer satisfaction.

In other words, lean reduces waste.

Input => Lean application => Minimum waste and maximum output

Lean, a Japanese technology, is an answer to the great challenge of cost reduction in the new economic scenario.

The cost reduction principle equations are -
  1. Price = cost + profit (old equation.)
  2. Profit = price (fixed)-cost (new equation)

Therefore the key lies in reducing the production cost, to increase profits. The following graph shows it all about the profit from two different equations.

Cost reduction principle

In the coming days, we will publish posts on various lean tools, lean concepts and lean philosophy. Be with us to learn basic knowledge of lean manufacturing.

About Vijayalaxmi Meharwade: Vijayalaxmi is a graduate (B.E.) in Textile and Master is Textile Technology (Garment Technology). She has 14 years of experience in research, and working in industry concerning textile and garment manufacturing. She has also worked as a teaching faculty. 

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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