JCPenney is known for high standards of quality throughout the world. Trained factory evaluators perform factory evaluations on all factories that will be used to produce JCPenney exclusive brand products.
A factory evaluation is a determination of a factory's ability to produce a product that will meet JCPenney quality standards. The evaluator visits the factory and follows the flow of the production from the receipt of the raw materials to the warehouse where the finished product is shipped.
During the factory tour, the evaluator verifies that quality controls are in place at every stage of production. The evaluator will examine key points where strong quality control systems are needed. Those are the areas analyzed and recommendations for improvements are prepared for the factory.
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The workers performing inspections are interviewed to determine if the factory's quality control system is being followed.
Quality control inspection records are reviewed to see if the inspector is accurately recording the results of the inspections.
The evaluator will do a quality audit of finished products to determine the quality level of the factory. This is a random audit selected from products that are ready to ship.
After the evaluator has completed the evaluation, a report will be written with an assessment of the factory's quality system. If the factory is found to have a satisfactory quality control system, they can start producing for JCPenney. If not, the evaluator will prepare a list of recommendations and a corrective action report that the factory can use to improve their quality control system. When this process is complete, the factory can request another factory evaluation.
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