Garment & Textile Testing

1. Basic Textile Testing Parameters
To verify the material specifications, firm uses product testing (textiles, garments) to determine the minimum specification for compliance to specifications. Specifications often include the test methods and procedures used to verify the performance criteria. Following are the basic testing parameters for apparel products. Read more >>

2.Machinery required for setting up In-house Testing Lab in a Garment Export House
It is really a good idea to set up an in-house textile lab for checking basic physical properties of textiles. Why to depend on Third Party testing labs for the confirmation of specification like fabric count, yarn count and color matching?  Read more >>

3. Organisations which provide standards for Apparel Products
AATCC – American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists                            
AS/NZS – Australian New Zealand Standards
ASTM – American Society for Testing Materials. 

4. Buyer approved Garment & Textile Testing labs
When it come for quality standards for the apparel goods, physical properties of the fabrics, trims and accessories; presence of restricted chemicals in garments, goods must be tested from reputed testing labs. The test requirements vary according to the sourcing countries and product category. Read more >>

5. How to improve seam performance against slippage in garments?
Seam slippage is one of the causes of seam failure that affect appearance and performance of the garment. Seam slippage occurs on woven fabric, when yarns slide together along other yarns or a line of stitching. Read more >>

6.Definitions of Yarn Measuring systems
According to the definitions given by British Standards, yarn count definitions have been provided in the following table for your quick reference.

7.Count conversion Table for Textile Yarn
According to the yarn count definition given in British Standards by using following formula you can convert yarn count from one unit to another.

8. How to determine GSM of woven fabric from its construction?

10. How to determine Warp & Weft in a Woven Fabric?
There are many reasons to know warp direction of the fabric before you go for using it. To make it easy for determining warp and weft in a fabric piece observe the following characteristics of the fabric yarns.

11. How to determine face of the fabric?
Following characteristics help in finding face side of the fabric. When you got a whole fabric roll from a fabric supplier, in a standard fabric roll.

12. What is GPT and FPT in Textile Testing?
In garment and textile testing, GPT stands for Garment Package Test and FPT stands for Fabric Package Test. Each buyer set guidelines for what all tests are mandatory at fabric stage and subsequent in garment stage.

13. How to Check the Spirality of Fabric?
Normally spirality occurred in knitted garments and fabric that made by using twill fabrics. Spirality or twisting in a garment is appeared after washing. As a result one of the side seams comes at front of the garment when wearer wears it. Spirality percentage depends on fabric torque and garment structure. Read full article >>

14. What are the Parameters for PU Fabrics?

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