Machines used for Denim (Jeans) Manufacturing

Contributor: Md. Mostafiz Uddin , Bangladesh

Denim is known as all time fashion for all age group and for both sex. The demand of denim pants are always there. To supply enough Jeans to the sourcing countries entrepreneurs are setting plants in low labor cost countries. Bangladesh in one such example. To reduce the manufacturing cost high end technology are used in denim plants with basic machines. Specialised machines and semi automatic machines are used in sewing, i.e. patch pocket pattern making, serging panels and automatic patch pocket attaching. A plant of 500 machines can be set with following machine mix.

About the Contributor: Md. Mostafiz Uddin is in the Apparel Trade since 1999. Currently he is holding the post of Managing Director at Denim Expert Ltd, a Denim Manufacturing Company.

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