Job Responsibilities of a Merchandiser Working in a Buying Agency

Job responsibilities of a apparel merchandiser

Question: What are the day to day roles of a merchandiser working in a buying agency?


When I think of an apparel buying house, the first thing comes in my mind is merchandising job and merchandisers. During the start of my career in the garment industry, I spent a lot of time with buying house merchandisers. Let's come to the point.

Job profile widely varies from organisation to organisation and position of a merchandiser in the organisation. In this post, I am listing down some of the common job descriptions that a merchandiser needs to do in a buying house on daily basis. Some tasks may be performed in a weekly cycle or in season. After reading the following list, if you feel that something is missing then you are welcome to point it out in the following comment box.

1. Communication with apparel buyers and brands by mail (mostly)
Buying houses work for apparel brands and buyers. Apparel merchandisers cummunicate with their buyers for new queries and sharing the updates of ongoing orders. They need checking the mail box and resnponding to the necessary email is the first job, a merchandiser does in the morning. Thistask is commonfor all professionals.

2. Meeting with vendors and explaining new development requirement to vendor team. 
They need to work closely with the suppliers. Suppliers can be garment manufacturers, fabric mills, trims and accessory vendors, etc. Other than on-site and face to face meeting, the follow up with their vendors through phone calls.

3. Planning for new orders 
Planning for new season sampling and production orders. Merchandisers used to handle the accounts for each buyers. They plan their orders for the coming sessions.

4. Handling garment samples
They need to keep record of all kind of garment samples, swatches and trim cards. They collect of garment samples, trims and different types of swatches from the vendors. for the reference they keep copy of the sample with them. Thye give samples to other departments (QA, pattern and technical person) but they are acountable for handling samples.

5. Submission of samples to buyer
Merchandisers collect samples for sampel orders from their vendors and submit the same to the buyer.  They normally send samples for approvals by international couriers for international buyers. In case buyer's office is available in the same city or it is a domestic buyer, they send the samples with proper labeling by person.  

6. Follow up with vendors for samples 
Sample development is a very difficult task. Apparel merchandiser work closely with their vendor to make the sample without quality issues and right fit. To meet the sample submission date and getting done right first time, they need to follow up with their vendors. 

7. Follow up with buyers for approvals and feedback
This is their every day task to follow up for approvals pending from buyers. They need to provide the same comments and approval to their vendors after receiving the same from their buyers.     

8. Giving approval on samples where buyer intervention is not required.
There are diferent stages of approval of work, samples and processes. For certain processes and production stages, a senior merchant can give approval for go ahead to their vendors in production and sampling. 

9. Updating latest comments on particular styles or order to vendor representative
Comments they receive from buyer for the spefici orders, they forward the same to the vendor that is dealing the specific orders. When needed an apparel merchandiser, meet with the vendor to explain the requirement and customer feedback.

10. Update the buyers with the order status at all stages

11. Execution of running orders (production)

12. Visit to vendor site
When needs, merchandisers visit their vendors for meeting, for follow up of the work. Follow up can be for samples and production orders.   

13. Sourcing of materials for new development

14. Preparation of material requirement

15. Selection and finalizing of vendors for the upcoming orders based on vendor’s experience of making similar products

16. Preparing purchase orders for the supplier. 
In a buying house, when they source manufacturing order they need to place production order to the vendors.

17. Costing and negotiation with trim & accessory suppliers. 
Garment costing is a key task for merchandisers. Buying house merchandisers prepare the garment costing for the buyers as well for the garment manufacturers. In the buyers costing sheet, they try to maximize the garment costing, so they can price (FOB) the garment with a better margin. 
On the other side, they taking garment costing from their vendors and negotiate to minimus rate for the orders. It is not only costing and finalizing the deal with one factory only. They work on garment costing for multiple vendors and compare the costing.

18. Handle quality issues for sampling as well as production.

19. Preparing inspection schedule for shipment and notifying to quality department in the buying house or third party QA.

20. Maintaining files and Accounts

21. Updating Time and Action calendar
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