How to Get Business Lead in Apparel Export Business?

Question: From where I can get the apparel importers contacts especially for knits? ... asked by Javed

Starting a garment business is easy. But finding good buyers with consistent orders is very difficult for newcomers in the apparel industry. In the above question, Javed is looking for an international buyer for his products.

There are various ways to find buyers for garment products. At present, garment manufacturers do garment export business through one of the followings. You can choose one of them or multiple options for getting export orders.

Contact Buying houses 

One way to do apparel export business is working through buying offices. The contact number of buying houses in your region. If you have small product profile and small/no product development team then you can choose this option. Buying house deals with wide range of products, numerous international retailers, brands. So, there is a good chance of getting matching product orders from buying houses.

Contact Buyers Directly:
Most of the big apparel brands have their own buying offices/Liaison office in each of their sourcing countries. Get touch with them and if you meet buyers requirements as a supplier you can get business from them.

How to know buyers name and contact details?

Visit websites of top-level exports as many as possible by searching on Google. Exporters normally create one page for the listing of their buyers on their websites. Collect name of those buyers from these sites. Later search websites for those buyers and collect contact information. Try to find the contact of local offices. After you have a list of buyer write them about your manufacturing facility with product profile. You can them with your designs.

See the list of international apparel brands and buyers (200+ brands)

Visit Retailers: You can design a good products collection or have the strength of making niche products, then show your developments to the potential apparel retailers. Visit retailers in their countries with your design collection.

Attend International Trade Fairs
To enhance your knowledge and business in fashion and apparel industry attend B2B trade fairs and display your designs on the trade fairs. There are many such kinds of the trade fairs held in India and in other countries. One most popular garment trade fair India International Garment Fair (IIGF).

The last option to get contact of apparel buyers is looking into online classified or online forums where individual post their requirements for garment manufacturing.

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