20 Tips to Increase Garment Production and Floor Performance

'Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance' 
- James Baker.

There are many heavy duty theories for improving production in garment industry. Many of us go for implementing such difficult-to-understand and difficult-to-apply methods. Somehow we forget to apply simple things those have enough potential to bring improvement in production.

Floor performance can be improved by saving time, increasing production, saving cost of production, increasing workers' health and safety etc. All these are possible by taking care of small things. To make your factory better and improve overall performance, keep your eyes in small things as well. Bring changes that give you greater benefits.

Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Following are the simple and easy to apply tips. Most of these tips are on prior preparation and discipline. Practice and get BIG benefits from small changes in your daily work. Read the full list.

  1. Don't accept incomplete production file from merchandising team to start production activities
  2. Prepare line loading plan in advance to avoid waiting after production starts
  3. Balance lines to avoid bottleneck - balance line as frequent as possible based on production data
  4. Keep enough WIP to feed the line whole day
  5. Don't allow to generate excess inventory. Excess WIP in line may reduce line/batch performance
  6. Provide extra bobbin to operators. This simple practice saves time in refilling the empty bobbin
  7. Feed defect free cuttings to line
  8. Save time by quick replacement of broken needles and empty thread spools 
  9. Only feed ready cuttings (component) to sewing lines. Don't allow re-cutting and trimming of components in line
  10. Use of UBT machine - it improves quality, save time and improves performance
  11. Keep floors and table tops neat and clean - this improves employee productivity
  12. Don't keep any obstruction on the walking space in floors
  13. Design workstation layout considering motion economy
  14. Keep spare machines for quick replacement at the time of machine break-down
  15. Schedule regular machine maintenance and follow the schedule
  16. Use work aids, guides and attachment wherever applicable
  17. Avoid parts matching at machine (by operator), if required keep one helper for part matching 
  18. Capture hourly production data and make hourly production report, display it in front of the line. Visuals always give positive impact to workers.
  19. Don't give back defective garments to the running line. It breaks working rhythm.
  20. Don't distract operators from their work by talking to them unnecessary
  21. Bonus tip: Keep drinking water dispenser as near as possible to sewing section
Start implementing tips that you find easy for you to implement. You can also share your tips that you practice in day to day work.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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