How to Learn Things Quickly in Garment Manufacturing (for Beginners)

It might be unfortunately or by your passion, you have joined to garment company. Now your aim should be to learn things around you and become a knowledgeable person. And find a better opportunity for the next break.

In this article, I will share, how you can learn your work faster, gather vast knowledge about garment manufacturing, about everything around you in a short period of time.

Don't forget that you are living in the information age. So, acquire as much information as you can. This will bring benefits and rewards to you in future.

Start learning.

Learn everything that comes in front of you at work, when you walk to another department in the factory, when you talk with people. Don't miss the opportunity to learn while you are working in the factory. Observe true fact and gather experience.

I have seen many young and fresher employees just joined to the factory and assisting their seniors. Most of them expect to learn everything from their so called seniors. So they do hard work all the day and learn little things over a period. They fear to ask question to their senior. So young employees initially follow all instructions and when they hear new things.

Don’t limit your learning just for your current job profile. Sometimes you need to learn things out of your work responsibilities. I mean learn about materials, processes, supply chain, quality aspects, production, merchandising, planning, IE and any other job profiles. 

Learn from your colleagues and seniors: There is no better place than a factory to learn garment manufacturing. You will experience newer problems every day. You will learn newer requirement from buyers. You will learn about various systems. By watching or hearing you could not learn everything. You will learn best by doing. So, don't shy and fear to ask your seniors when you see new things, hear a new term.

Learn by doing: Don't fear to do hard work and long hours working. Give time and effort as much as it demands from you.

Learn from Google: Eight years ago I had limited access to net and there was limited information related to garment industry in the website. Now things had changed. There are flood of free information in the web. If you are fortunate you will get computer in your desk with net connection. Don't just sit with the questions in your mind. Find the answer as early as possible. Open you computer, type your question (words) in Google, I bet you will get something that would explain your question. Read it and learn new thing daily.

When you surf for information in the website, be careful about the correctness of the information. You better refer to different sites for the same information. This way you can screen the right information. You will discover new things daily in your learning stage. Cheers when you learn a new thing.

Use your Mobile Phone: In office, you might not have permission to access websites other than mailing system. But if you have learning spirit nobody can stop you. Use your mobile phone. Search answer in your mobile. You will get same information in mobile.

Read OCS: I am talking about this site. Yes, you will get answer most of your basic questions. Search your topic by using search box in top right column. If you don't find the answer send me question. I will make sure to get your answer and bring it to you. By the way thanks for reading my articles.

I like to hear about your learning experience in a garment factory. You can also share what you have learnt recently.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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