PMTS Software to Establish Garment SAM (SMV) and Product Costs

SMV calculation software

In the garment industry, knowing the correct Standard Minutes of a product is very important for many reasons. It helps to estimate the direct labor cost of a style and planing the production capacity of a production line.

There are mechanisms for determining product SAM other than software, like the work sampling method and time study method. The time and motion study-based SAM calculation took a longer time to establish the standard time for a garment. Secondly, there is always a question of getting the correct SAM established by Time Study and operator performance rating.

To get rid of these issues leading garment manufacturers are adopting SAM calculation Software. With quick Standard Minute establishment, these software products help in calculating direct labor cost and CMT price; setting up standard sewing methods, and improving production methods.

In this post, I will share the leading SAM calculation software products. All the following products are developed from Methods Time Measurement (MTM) and known as the PMTS database.

1. GSD Cost (Earlier known as General Sewing Data (GSD) )

GSDCost is the most popular and globally accepted product for work measurement and setting up a standard time for garment sewing operations (machine operations and manual operations).

GSD is developed by GSD Limited, UK. Now GSD  Cost is part of Coats Digital. 

2. SewEasy® Quick Garment Sewing Data

SewEasy is owned by a Sri Lankan company, SewEasy.

SewEasy® Quick Garment Sewing Data system is used for estimating the Standard Minute Value (SMV, SAM), a measure of labor content of garments, home furnishing, lingerie, leather goods, and all sewn products. Read more about SewEasy.

3. Pro- SMV

Pro-SMV is the tool to establish Standard Time and Best Methods of sewing operations. This product is developed by Methods Workshop Apparel Consultancy. Read more about Pro-SMV.

A predetermined motion and time system based on MTM-2 to establish international standard minute value for the sewn product industry. It provides a scientific approach to set the best methods and optimize manufacturing costs.

4. Standard Sewing Data (SSD)

SSD is now named TimeSSD.

SSD is developed by AJ Consultants. Standard Sewing Data (SSD) system suits to all sewing rooms from light to heavy – from underwear to upholstery. With the universal Standard Work Data extension, the system suits all manual and tool-assisted operations in a garment factory.

SSD standard data and methods development program is for creating accurate time standards fast – and in advance – for labor costing, production planning, and work loading and incentive and piece-rate systems and for continuous methods development and efficient job training. SSD is fast and easy to learn and to use.

5. Engineered TruCost (ETC) 

Engineered TruCost (ETC) is a Predetermined Motion Time System (PMTS) designed specifically for the fashion and sewn products industries. It enables companies to quickly and accurately determine the time and cost associated with individual operations and entire products in minutes rather than days.

ETC is developed around a fourth-generation Methods Time Measurement (MTM) statistical database. It simplifies the use of this core data to make it quick and easy for fashion and sewn product professionals.

Know more about Engineered TruCost (ETC) system. 

6. MODSEW (Standard Data Apparel Engineering System)

MODSEW is a computerized adaptation of MODAPTS or MODular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards. MODAPTS is used for calculating reliable production standards, improving an organization's productivity, analyzing departmental efficiency, and improving employee relations. 

Read more about MODSEW and MODAPTS.

7. Vector Times

Vector Times is an MTM-2 based work measurement tool that gives a scientific approach to Measure International Standard Time Values for manufacturing organizations. The company is based in India. 

To know more about the Vector Time System check this page

Post updated on: 17th June 2023
First published on: 13th Jan 2015

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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