How much Computer Knowledge is required for an Industrial Engineering Candidate in Garment Production?

Industrial Engineering department is becoming one of the core departments in apparel manufacturing (at least in garment export houses). Employers are looking for junior engineers and college pass-outs are looking for jobs. In this stage, one question asked by both how much computer literacy/skill is enough for the IE candidate. You may name junior IEs as work-study officers.

Look at the job profile of an Industrial Engineer (junior level). As we know, all senior IEs (Industrial Engineers) already literate in computers. An IE’s tasks include data capturing, data analysis and report making. In today’s factories, all these are done in computers.

Even many garment factories have ERP, IT-based data tracking system, MIS systems.

Minimum computer knowledge required for an IE candidate – he should know how to work on word processing (MS Word) and spreadsheet (MS Excel/Open Office).

Basic things an IE needs to know on MS Excel are

  1. Making tables/formats (Merge cells) in a spreadsheet
  2. Formatting cells, fonts (colour, bold, fonts types etc.)
  3. Cut, Copy and Paste text in the same file or in other files
  4. Taking a screenshot and saving it in image file
  5. Working with mathematical formulas (like – Sum, average, multiply, divide)
  6. Good speed in typing and error-free typing
  7. Making charts and graphs for statistical analysis (Optional)
Eventually, an IE will communicate with his seniors and higher management and other departments in the factory. Departments like merchandising, production, cutting, maintenance, HR departments. So other than excel knowledge, he also needs to acquire computer skill on the following areas
  1. Writing e-mail
  2. Replying to received mails
  3. Making reports (Excel sheet)
  4. Working on MS Word
  5. Working on MS PowerPoint Presentation
Exception: In case factories hire junior IE for physical data recording and working on the shop floor for time study then computer skill may not be necessary.

Also read: Tips to Make Daily Production Report Quickly in Excel Sheet?


All these necessary computer skills can be learned after joining the job. So it is not necessary that computer skill is a must for everyone. If you get a smart candidate, hire him/her and train them later. If you are working as an IE and don’t have enough computer knowledge, practice working on the computer and make reports.

What else? Write your points in the comment box.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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