Job Description of an IE Manager and The Need of the Job Description

A readymade garment factory often needs to write the job description for the position they look for a candidate and for the existing department heads. The job description helps factories in another way to define responsibilities for the department or for a position.
Job description is also known as job profile and job responsibilities of the named department or the position.

While I was searching for an example of job description for IE candidate on the net, found many such list of job descriptions. Most of them are written as much as they can write and responsibilities can be given to the candidate.

A good and detailed job description will help job seekers to understand your expectation from them. This way you can attract the job seekers and get their application.

This is an example of job description for industrial engineering manager (IE Manager). In case you are looking for the job description for an IE manager you can follow this list.

Job Description

  1. Productivity analysis – person should know analyzing the labour productivity of the factory and sewing lines. Estimating line capacity for all new development styles based on garment sketch or samples. 
  2. CMT estimation - Providing estimated labour cost (CMT) and productivity to merchandising department.
  3. Data analysis - Need to do data analysis and look into monthly trends of each KPI (key performance indicator) and control them after setting a benchmark.
  4. Style simplification and method improvement - after order confirmation he needs to re-analyzed the evaluated garment for better and economical methods to reduce the labour cost per garment to stay in safe margin. It means he needs to work on reduction of SAM by construction simplification related to seam and method without affecting the actual appearance of sample. Or by improving method the garment SAM can be reduced.
  5. Operation bulletin – Making and approving OBs is one of the main tasks. Releasing style OB, line layout and thread consumption chart for line(s) to be done based on scheduled plan.
  6. Manpower requirement - Department wise Manpower requirement rationalization based on target strength ratio
  7. The person would be responsible for co-ordination with other department heads for the following:
    1. Co-ordination with planning department for allocation of similar styles, capacity plan, line plan and factory monthly plan based on the history of line and factory efficiency
    2. Co-ordination with planning department for improving the pre- production activities
    3. Co-ordination with Factory manager for cut plan and finishing plan based on delivery priority.
    4. Co-ordination with Human Resource department for training progress (fresh training and multi-skill training)
  8. The candidate needs to audit factory and lines to ensure the operation bulletin and line layout are followed by line supervisor.
  9. Monitoring and Auditing IE and Jr.IE activities in all the units
  10. Employee production Incentive report monitoring and approval of the incentive amount
  11. Expected the candidate would be interested in working on new projects if any and suggesting advanced techniques in garment manufacturing
  12. Doing research and explore new machinery and latest systems that meets companies long term goal and preparing cost benefits analysis and ROI for the same.
  13. Must take initiative on lean manufacturing, learning of lean tools and looking for scope of implementation in the factory
  14. Research and development for samples prior to production start. 

All most all essential activities of the industrial engineering department (IE managers) are included in the above list.

For job seekers, it is not necessary that you need to know everything those is mentioned in the job description by the employer/company. You can learn those later – like before joining the company and even after joining the company. You just need to know basic IE tools and you should know how to implement those tools.

For employers, it is always good to have a written job description for all departments. You can measure performance of the department by following their responsibilities and activities they are doing at present.

Read articles on Industrial Engineering topics at OCS to learn above activities.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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