Robot Sews First Complete Garment (T-Shirt)

Today we are going to share about a breakthrough innovation in the apparel manufacturing industry. This is the first time a robot stitched a complete garment.  This robot is invented by Sewbo Inc. Semi-automatic stitching workstation is there for decades and garment  industry use those semi-automatic machines to improve production and reduce labour cost. But till date garment industry has not able to eliminate human intervention in stitching full garment. Read the press release by Sewbo Inc and watch the video, how a robot is sewing the T-shirt.

The breakthrough innovation: 

“Our technology will allow manufacturers to create higher-quality clothing at lower costs in less time than ever before,” said Jonathan Zornow, the technology’s inventor. “Avoiding labor issues and shortening supply chains will help reduce the complexity and headaches surrounding today’s intricate global supply network. And digital manufacturing will revolutionize fashion, even down to how we buy our clothes by allowing easy and affordable customization for everyone.”

Sewbo performed their feat using an off-the-shelf industrial robot, which they taught to operate a consumer sewing machine. Having successfully proved its core concept, Sewbo is now expanding its team and working towards commercializing its technology.

Robot Sewing a garment. Image from Sewbo Inc.

How it Works

Despite widespread use in other industries, automation has made little progress in clothing manufacturing due to the difficulties robots face when trying to manipulate limp, flexible fabrics.

Sewbo avoids these hurdles by temporarily stiffening fabrics, allowing off-the-shelf industrial robots to easily build garments from rigid cloth, just as if they were working with sheet metal. The fabric panels can be easily molded and welded before being permanently sewn together.

The water-soluble stiffener is removed at the end of the manufacturing process with a simple rinse in hot water, leaving a soft, fully assembled piece of clothing. The stiffener can then be recovered for reuse. The treatment uses a plastic called Polyvinyl Alcohol, a non-toxic polymer that is already used elsewhere in the textile production process, as a "sizing" that temporarily strengthens yarn during weaving.

About Sewbo Inc.: Sewbo is a Seattle-based startup.

Who is the Innovator?

Name: Jonathan Zornow,
Age: 30 Years. Jon lives in Seattle.

Jonathan Zornow (Image source:sewbo inc)

Watch the video:
Robot Sewing Demonstration from Sewbo, Inc. from Jon Zornow on Vimeo.

Source: Press kit shared by Sewbo Inc.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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