What is Operation Breakdown in Garment Industry

Operation breakdown

In the garment manufacturing business, an operation bulletin is a very essential tool. To make an operation bulletin, you need to first work on breaking down operations involved in a given garment style. The process is called operation breakdown. To understand the operations involved in constructing a garment, you need to study and analyze the construction process of the garment. 
Each garment is constructed and finished by following several stitching operations, manual operations, inspections, and then finishing operations. Jobs or tasks involved in making a garment are known as operations. 

In mass garment manufacturing, before making garments, the garment sample is studied and a list of required operations for making the approved design is made. The operations are written in a sequence of actual process flow to be followed while making the garment on the shop floor. 

What is operation breakdown?

The method of preparing a list of operations in a sequence is called an operation breakdown. See the below sample operation breakdown. 
The sheet of listed operations of a style is also known as operation breakdown. An operation breakdown includes information like
  • list of sewing and non-sewing operations
  • Name of the machines to use for doing the specific operations
  • Estimated time to do each operation for one unit

One sample operation breakdown of a Polo shirt is shown in the below image.
Fig: Sample operation breakdown sheet of a Polo Shirt

A garment 'operation bulletin' is also called an operation breakdown. An operation bulletin includes more information than the operation breakdown.

I have posted an article on how to make an operation bulletin. In that post, the method of making an operation bulletin is explained in detail.

Application of operation breakdown

We can not ignore the various benefits of operation breakdown. Let's know the common applications of operation breakdown in garment manufacturing and improving production processes.
  • The operation breakdown of a garment is prepared to understand garment construction - like identifying stitch class, and seam types used in making the sample garment.
  • By doing breakdown of garment operations, you can prepare the process flow of the sewing operations.
  • To make an operation bulletin the first step is doing the operation breakdown of the sample garment.
  • To make the list of sewing machines and equipment required for the making style. 
  • To set up a line for new style operation breakdown is followed by line supervisors and engineers. 
  • For estimating thread consumption of a style, the operation breakdown is referred to operation list and machine types.


As a beginner, one must learn the garment construction procedure. An operation flow chart will help in breaking the operations in a garment and later making an 'operation bulletin' and 'Style sheet'
 will be easier for you. 

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Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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