Production Planning & Control in Apparel Manufacturing: The Beginner's Guide

I am pleased to share with you that my new book, Production Planning & Control: The Beginner's Guide, is published today. This is an ebook and this ebook is currently available in PDF version.

Production planning and control in apparel manufacturing
Front cover page

With this purchase, you will get free Excel Templates of various PPC tools and reports. Download your copy in your preferred format.

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About the book

You might have read articles on production planning and control (PPC) topics in this blog. I have posted many articles on production planning and control based on my work experience and observation. I have work experience in the PPC department but I never thought of writing a book on this subject.

The idea of writing this ebook came to my mind when one apparel business owner requested me to share a book on production planning and control related to apparel manufacturing. I had prepared a document for him covering production planning and control topics and useful tools. Later, I converted the document into a complete book by adding more content and PPC tools. This way the PPC book is written.

Production planning is the key component for success in any manufacturing business. Especially in the manufacturing sector, production planning, and control play an important role in meeting an organization’s goal in delivering goods on time. When it comes to garment manufacturing, as it is mostly an unorganized sector, company management does not care much about the production planning part. As a result, PPC department is missing in many of the garment manufacturing companies.

On the other hand, this is also true that like industrial engineering, GMT, and merchandising subjects there are no formal courses in production planning and control. Factories don't have any place to hire production planning graduates. So planners learn everything related to PPC tasks and activities by doing the jobs and grows.

This is a knowledge and resource book in production planning and control areas.

In a nutshell, in this book, I have explained production planning procedures, PPC activities, and PPC tools that I used to use in practice. I will walk you through all the relevant knowledge required in planning your production activities and controlling the plan efficiently.

This book is useful for apparel industry professionals including

  • Production planners
  • Production managers
  • Merchandisers
  • Industrial engineers and
  • Apparel production students

Things you learn from this book

You might be thinking of what all things I have covered in this book. Here is the list of contents of this book.

  1. The Concept of Production Planning and Control
  2. PPC Department and Its Activities
  3. Production Planning & Control Procedure
  4. Production Planning Tools & Their Application
  5. Production Control
  6. Factory Capacity and Resources Analysis
  7. Line Planning
  8. Pre-Production Meeting
  9. Line Balancing
  10. Critical Path Method (CPM)
  11. Throughput Time Calculation
  12. Challenges in Production Planning and Control
  13. Organization Skills
  14. Problem Solving Tools
  15. Formats and Templates
  16. Tips and Tricks on PPC
  17. Glossary
  18. Recommended Books

Already working in the PPC department? Enhance your knowledge. Make a purchase and learn production planning and control.

In case you don't need to learn PPC, pass this information to your friends who are looking for a book and resources learning production planning in garment manufacturing.

Check my other books: OCS Books and Publications

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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