What is 7.0 System in Garment Inspection?

7.0 system is one of the inline garment inspection systems followed by garment factories. 7.0 system is similar to the traffic light inspection system used by garment manufacturers for checking operators' work at the operator's workstation. 

In the 7.0 quality inspection system, the roving quality checker visits each operator working in a production line. The quality checker picks 7 garments from the work done by the operator and checks all the pieces. Quality checking is done for the specific operation done by the selected operator. If the quality checker finds a single defective garment in 7 checked pieces, he marks RED on the operator quality performance sheet (Or the checker place a Red Flag on that workstation). This means the operator needs to improve her stitching quality.

When a line has an operator with a red flag (in quality performance), the quality checker or the line supervisor needs to check with the operator about the quality problem. A supervisor needs to explain to the operator what is wrong with her stitching. Also, he needs to give instructions on how to correct the defects while stitching. 

The operator may understand the quality requirement, but due to poor skill in machine/material handling, defects may be generated. Sometimes quality requirements may not be explained completely to the operators. 

In such cases, the line supervisor or the trainer provides training to the operator. 

The roving quality checker needs to follow up with the operator (with a red flag) and check her work till the checker gets satisfactory quality work.

Related post: Inline Quality Inspection System Followed by garment factories. 

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