Why Calculate DHU, When We Can Identify Causes of Error and Correct it on the Spot?

It is a good practice that you identify the root cause and you resolve quality errors on the spot.

With resolving the issues, it is better you should also capture inspection data, prepare a quality report, and calculate DHU. But why should one do that? I will explain the reason in this post. (This question was asked by an OCS reader on Facebook)

Reasons for Calculating DHU and Preparing Quality Report

#1. If we do not keep a record of the quality checking and defect identifications, we will forget how many defects you found on the current date during inspection - what types of defects were found, and what were the root causes for each kind of defect. 

That is the reason you must prepare the quality report when your quality checker checks garments and identifies defects in the garment and segregates the defective pieces.

#2. Secondly, you can measure the quality performance of your production lines and the factory by calculating DHU at the checkpoints. The DHU report tells you how many defects are identified per 100 garments inspected. DHU is a standard quality KPI.

#3. This additional effort and DHU KPI data will let you know how your lines are performing every day. You will know how the operators are skilled in handling the new garment designs and new fabrics?

#4. By having the DHU data, you can compare your factory’s quality performance level with the industry benchmark. Even the DHU comparison can be done with your past performances.

#5. By preparing an inspection report, you will know how many garments are reworked and how many hours are possibly needed for correcting defective items (depending on the frequency of defects in the lot).

#6. You can set up a target for quality improvement by defining the existing DHU level and measuring the actual quality DHU report on a daily basis.

If you wish, you can calculate the cost of quality and the Cost of poor quality of your operations by measuring DHU data.

#7. Some buyers ask their suppliers to provide quality reports and DHU data. So, it is good if you keep your quality report ready as per your quality policy.

Capturing garment inspection data and keeping a record of this inspection activity, is a part of the documentation.

#8. You can identify the training needs of sewing operators. Training may be needed for quality checkers and workers in other sections like fabric checkers, cutting department workers and cutting room checkers.

Related posts: How to Calculate DHU?

Request to OCS readers

In the above list, I have shared a few points on why a factory needs to calculate DHU. 

There are more reasons - if I missed any important point, you could add it in the comment box and write to me.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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