Style Completion Report for Apparel Manufacturers

To manage the production floor, we need technology. To understand how your factory is performing, you need reports and analytics. Reports need to be made for specific purposes. 

Style completion report is one such report that is made and analyzed by industrial engineers and production managers in the garment manufacturing industry. This is one of the common reports garment factories make. 

If you are not making this report, you must read this post.

If you are already making the style completion report, you are welcomed to read this post and get more ideas, how you can make your analytics better.

In this post, I will take you through how the Style Completion Report is prepared by apparel manufacturers. I will cover a list of information a garment factory needs to collect for preparing this report. 

From the report name, it is understood that the style completion report will be made once production is over for the given style.

We know it takes a couple of days to complete the production of a style after it is loaded to a line. 

So, like you make a daily production report, daily you need to capture all the required data for the style completion report. We can call it a style summary report.

Why Prepare Style Summary Report?

By preparing a style summary report, we can do the analysis of some major KPIs which include
  • Actual style cost incurred by the factory
  • Style average efficiency, Pick line efficiency - from the whole period of style run, you can calculate the average efficiency of the style.
  • The learning curve for the style (efficiency learning curve)
  • Labor productivity by line for the given style
  • Total hours worked and total manpower involved in making the complete production. This would help you for better planning for the upcoming styles
  • The above style data can be used for planning future orders in a better way.
  • You will get an understanding of operator skill requirement 

Data collection: What information do you need for making this report?

Here I have made one report showing the key headers. You can make your own template after learning and reading this post. 

Screenshot#1: Ready Style summary Report

Style summary report

For making this style completion report, you need to capture data daily basis having the following information. 

Screenshot#2: Daily data entry sheet
Daily data entry sheet

You can use your daily production report data and add additional columns needed for the style summary report (Screenshot#2).
  • You need to keep a record of the date on which you have loaded the style (date)
  • Order quantity
  • Daily cutting loading volume to the line
  • Style SAM (standard minutes)
  • Daily manpower allocation to the line for the specific style
  • Daily NPT time record (Optional)
  • Daily production volume (line output)
  • Daily working hours (in case you do overtime work in some days, in case some operators work less hours than 8 hours in some days keep those records for better accuracy in style summary report)

How can you capture this data?

You understood why you need to prepare this report.

You now know all information you need to collect for getting this report ready after the style is shipped. Now the question is how will you collect the data?

You can use a spreadsheet and fill the form daily. 

But you know how difficult it is to manage many Excel files and playing with many reports and data. Making a summary report from the huge data file manually is a nightmare.

The second option is using a software technology and automatic data collection and report preparation. 

There are many options when it comes to selecting a technology solution for digitalizing production data collection and automation in report preparation and data analysis. You can buy one as per your need and investment capability.

Additional Data analysis

You will get many other additional information from capturing daily production data by style. Check this list.

  • Maximum efficiency level for the style
  • Learning curve data by style and product category
  • Compare the production run vs Average line efficiency by style and product type
  • Style SAM vs actual style cycle time

Related Read: Daily production report template


What else? 

Go ahead and start developing the excel templates for collecting daily production data for all the running styles. 

Save your data and keep a backup of your database and files. You can use cloud platforms for saving your spreadsheets (Outlook Onedrive, Google Drive) and multiple users can work in a single file. 

If you want to automate your data collection and report generation part using software solution, you can contact me for more deatils.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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