Graduation Project Ideas that can be Undergone from Home

Graduation project ideas for fashion technology students

This blog post is written for apparel and textile students. For those students from textile and fashion institutes who are looking for a way for doing their graduation project topics that can be performed from home.

We all know the current situation.

All the graduating students need to undergo project work and need to complete the assignment/ research projects/internship within the scheduled time frame.

Many garment companies including garment export houses, processing houses, fashion retailers, an organization with whom students can do their project work, and textile mills are not allowing internees to visit their factories.

So, students cannot visit their workplaces.

You might have good ideas for doing your project work (research work in the final year/final semester) but due to the current Pandemic situation, you can’t fulfill that.

Don’t get upset.

Choose an alternative topic and complete your graduation project. The idea that is triggering in your mind, you can do that later after leaving your college.

In this situation how college students can undergo their graduation projects and internships? Let's discuss how to overcome this time and get your college project done.

Some fashion institutes can allow their final year students for specific courses, working from home for completing their projects. I mean doing graduation projects without visiting a company physically (industry visit). Like we are doing our job from home (Work from home), internship and graduation projects can be done in the same ways.

Let's consider that a fashion technology student needs project ideas for his/her last semester. He/she will do complete research work from his/her home /college campus. No way to travel much for research work.

Now the main point is what types of projects can be selected for a research project?

Your project idea must be accepted by the project mentors and your department.

Read the following project ideas that might be helpful for you. After reading this list, you might get another better idea for your project work. Keep exploring.


1. A project that can be done through an online survey

Identify a research project topic related to your industry and make sure the project is based on the market study and survey.

Create survey form using Google forms / Survey Monkey

Send your survey forms to your target audience through social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc. For getting a good result from your survey reach out to your seniors who are working in the same field.

Gather data for your research from the respondents.

After getting your desired data, do your project analysis and prepare your report.

2. A project related to technology development for improving/solving a problem faced by the fashion industry/fashion manufacturing sector.

An ERP/application development to ease some of the activities

Tool for product life cycle management for small vendors

Developing a technology solution for unorganized manufacturing sectors

For this kind of topic, you can do your research from home. Explore ideas on the internet. Reach out to the solution providers, talk to them, and the inside of such a system.

On the other side, you can reach out to the garment companies who are using such systems (that you are planning to improvise). Get their feedback. Ask them what is missing in their systems. Get data about the user experience on the overall technologies they are using every day for the business.

Explore the other industries and get ideas about what kind of technologies are used by the other industries but not in the apparel manufacturing industry/apparel supply chain. 

3. A project topic related to business strategy for a new era (post-Covid era)

Working on improving any part of the global apparel supply chain. Study about the fashion supply chain from the internet and from the book. Read the new ideas shared by industry experts on this subject.

Working with the local suppliers and showing its impact on the whole supply chain. 

4. A project topic related to sustainability measurement

Doing in-depth research on why a sustainable business process matters to each stakeholder. You can gather information on the sustainable fashion business. 

Doing fashion business in sustainable ways - different steps followed by different brands. What are those different ways/steps? How their initiatives bringing changes in our fashion industry.  

How the fashion business world is changing - from design concept to customers. 

Why everyone talks about sustainability in fashion manufacturing?  What is happening inside the business houses?  You will much content on the internet related to this topic. You just need to format the collect content as per your objective of doing your project work. 


I just shared my ideas. It is not a conclusion. We need to think more and find out more topics that can be done remotely. Talk to your project mentor in this regard and seek help for identifying a topic for you.  

All the professionals and academicians who are in the fashion industry are requested to share their ideas to help college students, the future leader of the fashion industry.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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