Industrial fabric cutting machines for apparel manufacturing

In industrial garment production, one needs industrial fabric cutting machines to cut fabric for mass production. By using industrial fabric cutting machines factories can cut high volumes of fabric with fewer workers. There are reasons for using industrial fabric cutting machines. industrial cutting machines help garment manufacturers maintaining cutting quality, volume production, and faster order completion.

In another post, I have shared different types of fabric cutting machines and equipment. In this post, I will share commonly used industrial fabric cutting machines.

What is the fabric cutting process?

In mass garment production, on a wide and long table, fabrics are laid in layers. After completion of layering (5-6 inches thick layer), markers are made on the top of the layer. The height of the fabric lay depends on the cutting machine blade. After marker making, the fabric lay is cut as per the marker using a cutting machine. After cutting, we get the garment components. In bulk production, industrial cutting machines play an important role. Cutting quality and accuracy of cutting the garment parts depends on the cutting machines.

Related: Functions of the Cutting department in the garment industry

Industrial Fabric cutting machines:

In practice, there are various types of fabric cutting machines and equipment. The selection of the right cutting tool and equipment for your fabrics depends on a couple of factors. Here I have listed commonly used industrial fabric cutting machines in the apparel industry.

1. Straight knife cutting machines:

A power-driven vertical cutting blade is used in straight knife cutting machines. This kind of machine is run by workers. Fabric layers remain in the fixed place on the flat table. The cutter moves the cutting machine to cut fabric following the markers.

2. Automatic cutting machine:

Automatic cutting machines are also called computerized cutting machines. There are many companies that supply automatic cutting machines. These computerized machines are integrated with CAD system and command is sent from the computer. 
After fabric layering using an auto-spreader, an automatic cutting machine cut the garment pattern following the computerized marker. A fabric lay made manually can be also cut using an automatic cutting machine.
A computerized cutting machine can cut the fabric at high speed and with accuracy. An image of Gerber automatic cutting machine is shown here. 

3.Band knife cutting machines

The band knife is stationed in a single place. The operator moves the fabric block to cut the fabric as per garment patterns. This cutting machine is known as accuracy cutting. A long continuous blade rotates at high speed and cuts the fabric layers. 

4. Round knife cutting machine:

A round knife cutting machine has a round-shaped knife. These machines are portable. Good for cutting straight lines and less number of lays of relatively few plies. Not suitable for bulk production. But small garment workshops can use a round knife machine instead of using hand scissors.

5. Die-cutting machine:

Die-cutting machines are also industrial cutting machines. In a die-cutting machine, a knife in the shape of the pattern periphery (die) is used for cutting certain patterns.

6. Rib cutting / Tape cutting machines:

For cutting stipes of knits and woven fabric, industrial cutting machines are used. These machines are known as rib cutting machines.

Read Free eBook: Cutting Process in Garment Manufacturing

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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