What is Bundling in Garment Manufacturing?

Bundling in garment manufacturing

Bundling is a sub-process of fabric cutting in garment manufacturing.

Bundling is the process of arranging garment components from the cut stacks after layer cutting and making a bundle with a number of garment pieces. Normally, using a rope or a fabric stripe (cuttings of fabric wastage) number of garment parts are tied together to form a bundle. 

In bulk cutting, from a single lay more than 100 fabric layers are cut together. secondly, multiple garments (of the same or different sizes and colors) are cut from a single lay. Without sorting and bundling garment parts of the same size, same color, and from the same fabric layer, cuttings can’t be sent directly to the stitching operator. If someone does there would be a mess. A factory can’t make a garment as per standards. So cutting room needs to follow the proper bundling of cut parts.

Bundling is a common term used in the cutting room process. It is the way of counting pieces cut in the cutting room. Bundling helps the cutting department to handle cuttings and to store cutting inventory. They send cut parts to the sewing section as per the requisition received from the sewing floor.

Bundling is a manual process. The bundling process is done after sorting components and ply numbering. Depending on the production system, a factory defines its bundle size (number of units to tie together). A bundle can be made of 2 pieces, 5 pieces, 10 pieces, or any suitable number. A bundle may contain all the components of a single garment piece.

A bundle made of 10-20 units of garments, where all garment components are tied together. If the garment components are bigger in size and if there is a subprocess (like part preparation), the factory first make sub-bundles for parts, and then all sub-bundles are

Let’s say a t-shirt making factory cuts t-shirt parts from knits fabrics. Here parts are the t-shirt front panel, back panel, two sleeves, and neck piping. So, when the cutting room workers make a bundle for t-shirts, let’s say a bundle of 20 pieces, they will take each component for making 20 t-shirts and make a bundle. That means 20 pieces of the front panel, back panel, and neck piping, and 40 sleeves will make a bundle. 

It is not that all the time garment parts need to tie to make a bundle. When a factory uses other means of transporting garment cuttings like plastic trays/baskets, polybags, or trolleys, cuttings can be placed in bundles form without physically tying.

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Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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