How much fabric do we need to make 1000 pcs of men's shirts?

Fabric requirement for woven shirt
Question: How many meters of woven fabric do we need to make 1000 pieces of men's shirts?

The estimated fabric requirement for making 1000 shirts depends on a couple of parameters. In this post, I will answer this question of the fabric requirement for making 1000 men’s shirts. Secondly, I will show the important variables to be considered while calculating fabric requirements.

I know by asking this question, you are not looking for an exact fabric requirement for woven shirts. To get an idea of woven fabric requirements for men's shirts follow this.

As per my earlier post, I have shared fabric consumption for a woven shirt. Referring to that fabric requirement per shirt (fabric width 54 inches), you will need fabric for 1000 men’s shirt as following

- Lower side – 1.3 meter x 1000 pieces = 1300 meters
- Higher side - 1.6 meter x 1000 pieces = 1600 meters

So, the fabric requirement for 1000 man's shirts will fall between 1300 meters – 1600 meters when you go for 54 inches wide fabric.

Important Variables in fabric calculation

The main variables that you need to keep in mind when estimating (calculating) woven fabric requirements are shown here.

1. The shirt spec and size chart. Whether it is a full sleeve formal or casual shirt? Whether it is a half-sleeve shirt. Type of shirt fitting etc.

2. Size ratio in your order - quantity break up of different sizes in 1000 men's shirts. You can make multiple sizes like Small, Medium, Large, and Excel with a ratio of 1:2:2:1. Or you can make only 3 sizes - Small, Medium, and Large with a ratio of 1:2:2.
In these two cases, the average fabric consumption per men's shirt will vary. So, the total fabric requirement will also vary.

3. Another variable of fabric consumption is fabric width. You know the fabric is available in various widths. If you choose a wider fabric, the requirement of linear length will be less and vis-a-versa. When considering fabric width, take the cut-able width for calculation. 

4. Production volume: If you cut multiple shirts (shirt components) from a single layer (single marker), the average fabric consumption will be less. It means, if some make only a few pieces of shirts, his average fabric requirement will be higher in comparison to making high volume (1000+ pieces) for the same shirt size (spec).

5. Consider fabric wastages and add wastage allowances with calculated fabric consumption. As we are considering the rectangular shape of each pattern (instead of the actual shape).   

Disclaimer: This data is provided here for your reference purpose only. The above calculation is made based on the sum of all pattern areas (considering each pattern is a rectangular shape) and then the area is converted into linear fabric length by diving fabric width. In actual you should estimate fabric calculation based on the pattern marker. Actual fabric requirements may vary depending on the listed variable.

Also read: Shirt measurements from different shirt brands

We have also added a shirt fabric consumption calculator sheet on OCS. If you have shirt measurement measurements, you can use this online calculator.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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