One of the OCS readers asked to share machines (name and brand) used for making Picot stitch as shown in the below image (Image-1). In women's woven dressmaking, picot stitching is commonly used for the ornamental or decorative look of the sleeve edge, on the neckline, or center front opening (front placket).
As per users, There are many industrial sewing machines by which one can make Picot stitches on clothes and fabric pieces. For example, Pegasus Brand sewing machines are used for making Picot stitches.
An industrial picot stitching machine is normally used in making decorative stitch instead of making any kind of seam. It has two needles in parallel used to sew two sides of holes along the stitch line. In between the two sewing needles, there is a cutter (blade), and a punching needle. The punching needle first makes a hole in the fabric (See the video).
Watch the below video on how a Picot sewing machine makes pico stitching for decorative stitch. (Source - Global industrial sewing machine:
It is not the edge finishing used to clean finish by rolling the edge for light woven fabrics to avoid yarn raveling from the edge. This picot is done by using a single needle zig-zag sewing machine.