These article titles are self-explanatory. From the article title, you will get to know what you will learn after reading the post. I hope you will also like these articles.
Kindly have a look at each article and give your feedback for further improvement of these topics.
1. Daily production report excel template
This post explained the daily production report (DPR) format used by garment manufacturers. Every factory has a unique way of reporting daily production status, but as per my study, many factories use Excel templates for DPR reports. A typical DPR template (excel based) is shared in this post.A free download link is provided inside the post.
You will find steps to make a daily production report and its importance also discussed in this post.
Still, the ideas shared on that page are suitable for starting a business in 2023 in the garment sector.
In this post, I have defined the SMV. I have explained the SMV calculation method and its application in the garment business.
2. 10 Small business ideas in the garment industry
This article covers the top 10 business ideas that can be started in the garment business on a small scale. This article was written in 2013 and the ideas listed in this article were the most relevant at that time.Still, the ideas shared on that page are suitable for starting a business in 2023 in the garment sector.
3. Different departments in a garment factory and their functions
This article has listed different departments formed in a garment factory. It also explains the activities performed by each department in a manufacturing unit. This article will walk you through how garments are manufactured through different processes.4. Different types of industrial sewing machines and their use
This post was written to show the industrial sewing machines available for manufacturing different types of apparel products. This post also covered the use of these sewing machines.5. How to calculate fabric GSM?
A how-to guide post that explains the fabric GSM calculation method with examples. Calculating fabric GSM is the work of a textile testing laboratory in a garment factory. But to avoid dependency on the testing lab or third-party consumer testing labs, in-house fabric stores can perform this task easily using basic equipment.6. How to calculate the production capacity of a factory?
This post was written to show how garment factories can calculate the capacity of their production lines and floors for specific product designs.7. 14 Different types of garment samples
Sample development is an essential process in the fashion business. In traditional apparel manufacturing, an apparel business needs to work on various types of garment sample development. In that context, newcomers and fashion students need to learn about the different garment sampling. This post was written to cover that need.8. Stitch classification - different types of stitches used in garment sewing
This article covers different types of stitches used in apparel and other sewing product manufacturing.9. How to use 4 Point System in Fabric Inspection?
This is a how-to guide article. The 4-Point fabric inspection system is widely used in fabric inspection both in the garment manufacturing sector and in textile mills. This article explains how you can use this inspection system in your factory. This post also covered the penalty points for the defects found in a fabric based on the size and dimension of the defect.10. Standard Minute Value (SMV): Definition, Calculation, and Use
There is no more secret in Standard Minutes Value (SMV) calculation. Most garment manufacturing companies calculate the SMV of sewing and non-sewing operations for the designs.In this post, I have defined the SMV. I have explained the SMV calculation method and its application in the garment business.
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Wishing you a happy new year 2023