Line OEE Calculator

OEE Calculator

Production Quantity (Line Output)*

Defective Garments*

Garment Style SMV*

Shift Time (Hours)*
 Number of Operators *


OEE Calculation Formula:

In the context of garment production, the OEE formula is 

OEE = (Availability X Performance X Quality) 

We need to calculate the above 3 parameters separately and then multiply all these OEE 3 factors. 

1. Availability = (Hours Worked/Planned Time) 

Hours Worked = (Planned Time - Downtime) 

[Down time is the sum of non-productive times, Line changeover loss time, and machine maintenance time]

The planned time is the shift time per shift. To calculate the total Hours Worked and Planned Time, multiply by manpower. 

2. Performance = (Garment production x Garment SMV)/(Hours Worked*60)

Hours Worked by Line = (Number of operators X Planned Time) - Total Non-Productive Time of the Line. 

Planned time = Shift Hours (if Overtime approved Planned Time = Shift Time + Over Time Hours)

3. Quality = (Production Quantity - Defective Units)/Production Quantity

= (First-Time Quality Garments /Total Production Quantity)

We can write the OEE formula as follows 

= (Line output - Defective Units) x (Style SMV) x 100 / (Shift time X Number of Operators x 60)

How to use this OEE calculator?

Fill in all the parameters (Line Output, Defective Units, Style SMV, Shift Hours, and Number of Operators worked in the specific line). After filling in the form, click the 'Calculate' button. 

You will get the calculated OEE of the line in percentage. 

For your reference, you can take a screenshot of the whole screen after getting the OEE. 

Further reading: How to OEE in the Garment Manufacturing Industry?

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